Buy-to-Let surveys are a new type of survey, designed to give landlords and investors a clear understanding of the property they are intending to buy. They involve a thorough investigation of the property’s condition, identifying items that may impact potential tenants so you are aware of where any problems are and where issues may occur in the future. The aim of the Buy-to-Let survey is to help you make an informed decision about proceeding with the sale by considering the potential repair costs on top of the property’s asking price.

What Does a Buy-to-Let Survey Include?

Buy-to-let surveys involve a thorough inspection of the property in order to identify any structural, legal or safety issues (in accordance with the Health and Safety Items in the HHSRS) that you should be aware of prior to purchase. In terms of the physical condition of the property, it will cover:

  • The condition of windows and doors
  • The integrity of any alterations to the original building (conversions, extensions layout changes etc.)
  • Internal roof inspection
  • Assessment of any ventilation issues
  • Inspection of the external roof, gutters, chimney and upper walls
  • Subsidence and structural movement assessment
  • Damp assessment
  • Timber decay and damage
  • Indications of wood-boring beetle infestation (“woodworm”)
  • Drainage check (mains, septic tanks, private cesspits)
  • Inspection of the property’s associated services – heating, electrics, boiler etc.

In addition, your report will include an investigation of the property’s grounds and boundaries, advice relating to the EPC (Energy Performance Certificate), and any relevant legal information from Planning and Building Control, the local Council or the Listed Building register.

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