Incredible Value for Money in Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & Hertfordshire

A property purchase is one of the most significant investment decisions you’re likely to ever make. Given the considerable financial commitment at stake, it’s important to stay well informed every step of the way. A Building Survey will provide you with a detailed report which outlines the structural condition of the property you are about to buy. With all the necessary facts at your disposal, you’ll be empowered to make the right choice when it comes to purchase decisions.

Why Should I Get a Building Survey?

The UK housing market operates under caveat emptor, or “buyer beware”. This means that property sellers are not obliged to disclose any information about defects or ongoing problems with the building or land. Consequently, it is up to the buyer to uncover any potential issues before they sign the contract, or take full responsibility for dealing with them once the sale has gone through.

It’s a common misconception that a mortgage valuation will highlight any defects in the property you are about to buy. To fully understand the condition of any building, it is essential to commission a survey, carried out by a qualified professional. Armed with the survey findings, buyers are able to make an informed decision about whether they are happy to proceed with the purchase, would prefer to re-negotiate with the seller, or whether they want to walk away from the purchase.

What Does a Building Survey Cover?

Our Building Surveys are detailed inspections that not only report on any defects found but also provide suggestions and advice about how to make repairs, when they should be carried out and how much we estimate they will cost. A Building Survey typically investigates:

  • The presence of damp and other ventilation issues
  • Structural movement including subsidence and settlement
  • Inspection of the internal and external roof structure including chimneys
  • The condition of walls, windows and doors (internal and external)
  • Damage to timber, including insect infestations and decay
  • Checking the services and utilities, including sewage, drainage, heating, electrics, gas, oil and the boiler
  • Alterations, conversions and extensions
  • Health and Safety concerns, such as asbestos or lead
  • Grounds, outbuildings and boundary lines
  • Listed Building Consent, Planning Permission and Building Regulation issues
  • Council information and energy efficiency advice

Some buyers mistakenly believe that with newer properties there is no need to have a building survey carried out. However, it’s important to remember that housebuilders are only human, and mistakes can still be made. Just because a property was built more recently doesn’t provide any guarantees of the quality of the construction, so it remains a wise decision to have one of our Modern Home Surveys conducted.

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