Christmas is Coming

classic bedford house

Christmas is coming and it is getting busy as everyone wants to move into their new homes before the magic date. If you are moving house in this period please do contact us to see how we can help with a survey.

1859 House

Built in 1859, typical with these properties is roof and damp, so a structural survey is a must.

2 bed totternhoe

2 bed roomed detached bungalow in Totternhoe. These properties also have roof problems, normally with the flat felt and chimneys.

period property leighton buzzard

A beautiful period looking property in Leighton Buzzard. The Home Condition Survey raised a few interesting problems.

classic bedford house

The classic property in Bedford with a Septic Tank. I could not believe how many tiles were off the front of this property that cannot be seen from the ground. It’s amazing what the eyes of a professional can see.

St Albans Bungalow

A recent survey in St Albans, a nice 2 bed roomed bungalow that was ideally suited to a modern structural survey.

Semi Detached house dunstable

A semi-detached property in Dunstable with a part roof conversion. The Home Condition Survey showed up some considerable and worrying faults.

Leighton Buzzard House

An interesting survey in Leighton Buzzard.

Wasps in Attic

Wasps were still buzzing around this one. The kitchen floor was covered and the client was not happy!

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